3D Scanning
Fast, safe and powerful.
Refinery’s 3D digital scanning is entirely contactless and uses safe light, ensuring that the capture of 3D form poses no risk to the original object.
It is a fast and versatile process, allowing the rapid capture of large surface areas in far quicker times than photogrammetry.
Accurate to up to 0.1mm, these scans are exceptionally detailed and offer sufficient detail for accurate reproduction.
This production-grade scanning offers excellent conservation benefits, enabling the accurate recording and assessment of changes over time.
Facilitating inspection and conservation planning
The capture of a finely detailed 3D digital model offers an effective, shareable method for the repeated examination and inspection of features off site.
groups can examine a scan at all angles, via online meetings, facilitating discussion and planning.
3D models and photoreal visuals can be shared within days of scanning, offering a rapid route to group engagement and project progression.
Safeguarding and repair
This rapid and highly accurate scanning, in conjunction with Refinery’s restoration workflow offers a highly effective route for safueguarding against damage and loss.
By capturing a full record of an objects 3D form in advance, any damage or loss can be remedied with the highly accurate recreation of damaged areas or entire objects.
This capability to recreate with both accuracy and authentic craftsmanship makes safeguarding through production-grade 3D scanning of great significance to both historic collections and construction projects withing historic buildings.
For repair requiring the replication of exisiting features, an accurate match is essential. 3D scanning offers a fast and highly accurate route to creating a 3D design for replacement items. This enables an accurate an efficient route to manufacture and offers a powerful support to skilled traditional craftsmanship.